Terms of Service
Kbhavn Group ApS is a company registered in Denmark. Our registered address is Skovgårdsvej 42, 2920 Charlottenlund in Denmark. Our VAT (CVR) number is DK 41052597. If you have any comments about Kbhavn Group ApS, you can email us at info@kbhavn.com
All orders are subject to acceptance and availability, and items in your shopping basket are not reserved and may be purchased by other customers.
Dispatch times may vary according to availability and any guarantees or representations made as to delivery times are subject to any delays resulting from postal delays or force majeure for which we will not be responsible.
When you place an order, you will receive an acknowledgment e-mail confirming receipt of your order. This email will only be an acknowledgment and will not constitute acceptance of your order. A contract between us for the purchase of the goods will not be formed until your payment has been approved by us and we have debited your credit or debit card.
We reserve the right not to accept your order in the event, for example, that we are unable to obtain authorization for payment, that shipping restrictions apply to a particular item, that the item ordered is out of stock or does not satisfy our quality control standards and is withdrawn.
We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors of our products that appear on TrolleCompany.com. However, as computer monitors vary, we cannot guarantee that your monitor's display of any color will be completely accurate.
Images on Trollecompany.com belong to Trolle Company A/S and any unauthorized use of these images without the express written consent of Trolle Company A/S is prohibited.